
you looking for cheaper Festool PT3K561287 KS 120 Dual Compound Sliding Miter Saw + MT/3-Kapex Multi-Function Table?

Best Cheap Festool PT3K561287 KS 120 Dual Compound Sliding Miter Saw + MT/3-Kapex Multi-Function Table For Sale

before decision to buy, I searches on on line so long time. So I gathered a store that sells Festool PT3K561287 KS 120 Dual Compound Sliding Miter Saw + MT/3-Kapex Multi-Function Table and compare prices to. Some online stores offers me fast shipping.

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Festool PT3K561287 KS 120 Dual Compound Sliding Miter Saw + MT/3-Kapex Multi-Function Table Overview

Includes KS 120 Dual Compound Sliding Miter Saw - 561287, MT/3-Kapex Multi-Function Table - 495565, HW Saw Blade Z 60 (260mm dia.) - 494604

Festool PT3K561287 KS 120 Dual Compound Sliding Miter Saw + MT/3-Kapex Multi-Function Table Specification

  • KS 120 Dual Compound Sliding Miter Saw - 561287
  • Rapid Clamping - The tilt angle is easy to adjust from the front. Simply detach the quick-release clamp, set the angle and lock
  • Space-saving precision design - The innovative twin-column guide holds the saw blade in position with even greater accuracy and excludes the components protruding from the rear
  • 120mm Cutting depth - The unique special cutting position on the KAPEX allows you to cut strip material with a maximum height of 120 mm quickly, safely and accurately
  • Bevel included - Transfer interior and exterior angles precisely from the work piece to your KAPEX using the bevel

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