
Buy DeWalt DW3128P5 Series 20 12-Inch 80 Tooth & 12-inch 32T ATB Thin Kerf Crosscutting Miter Saw Blade with 1-Inch Arbor, 2 Pack Store

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DeWalt DW3128P5 Series 20 12-Inch 80 Tooth & 12-inch 32T ATB Thin Kerf Crosscutting Miter Saw Blade with 1-Inch Arbor, 2 Pack Overview

Whether you're cutting hardwood, softwood, plywood, or chipboard, the DeWalt DW3128P5 12-inch miter saw blade set helps you make quick, smooth, and accurate cuts. Featuring two thin kerf, carbide blades, one with 80 teeth and one with 32 teeth, this set gives you a pair of great options. Both blades feature a wedge shoulder design that puts an increased amount of steel behind each blade tip to prevent breakage and ensure precision, along with a computer-balanced plate that acts to reduce vibration for a better feel and finish. These blades are built for use with miter saws and slide miter saws.

DeWalt DW3128P5 Series 20 12-Inch 80 Tooth & 12-inch 32T ATB Thin Kerf Crosscutting Miter Saw Blade with 1-Inch Arbor, 2 Pack Specification

  • Tougher tungsten carbide stays sharper longer
  • Thin kerf for fast and smooth cutting action
  • Computer balanced plate reduces vibration for improved accuracy and better finish
  • One blade with 80 teeth and one with 32 teeth for added versatility
  • Backed by a 3-year limited warranty

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