
Buy Milwaukee 6955-20 12-Inch Sliding Dual Bevel Miter Saw with Digital Miter Angle Fine Adjust Online Shop

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before decision to buy, I searches on on line so long time. So I gathered a store that sells Milwaukee 6955-20 12-Inch Sliding Dual Bevel Miter Saw with Digital Miter Angle Fine Adjust and compare prices to. Some stores offers me fast shipping.

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Milwaukee 6955-20 12-Inch Sliding Dual Bevel Miter Saw with Digital Miter Angle Fine Adjust Features

  • Miter angle fine adjust with detent override makes it simple to dial-in precise miter angles
  • Miter angle digital readout provides repeatable accuracy to 0.1 degree
  • Dual integral job-site lights fully illuminate the work piece and cut line from either side of the blade
  • 15-amp, 3.3 max hp direct-drive motor provides increased power for high-performance cutting in hard lumber
  • Integral dust channel captures 75 percent of all dust and debris

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