
Save On Oshlun LG-M01 Miter and Portable Saw Laser Guide Online Store

Oshlun LG-M01 Miter and Portable Saw Laser Guide Specification

  • Fits most 7-1/4, 8, 8-1/4, 10, and 12-Inch Miter, sliding compound miter, chop, and portable saws
  • New recessed laser design to protect the laser from hitting the material on deep cuts
  • New thinner design to fit more saws
  • New brighter and more accurate laser line
  • Includes extra set of silver oxide batteries

Oshlun LG-M01 Miter and Portable Saw Laser Guide Overview

Oshlun’s new 2nd generation laser guide is the easiest and best way to turn your saw into a precision cutting machine. Installation is fast and easy, simply replace the outer blade flange with the laser unit. There are no confusing parts or adjustments. The laser guide provides a brighter, more accurate line on the left of the saw blade kerf and improves safety by showing you where the blade will cut. The centrifugal switch activates the laser automatically. Notes: Will not fit some 12-Inch saw models that have interlocking arbor flanges, including Rigid and ProTech. Use our Radial Arm Saw model LG-R01 for saws with a 5/8-Inch threaded arbor shaft.Fits most 7-1/4, 8, 8-1/4, 10, and 12-Inch Miter, sliding compound miter, chop, and portable sawsNew recessed laser design to protect the laser from hitting the material on deep cutsNew thinner design to fit more sawsNew brighter and more accurate laser lineIncludes extra set of silver oxide batteries


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