
Cheap Factory-Reconditioned DEWALT DW713R Heavy-Duty 10-Inch Compound Miter Saw Online Shop

you looking for low priced Factory-Reconditioned DEWALT DW713R Heavy-Duty 10-Inch Compound Miter Saw?

before decision to buy, I searches on on-line so long time. So I gathered a online store that sells Factory-Reconditioned DEWALT DW713R Heavy-Duty 10-Inch Compound Miter Saw and compare prices to. Some shops offers me fast shipping.

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Factory-Reconditioned DEWALT DW713R Heavy-Duty 10-Inch Compound Miter Saw Overview

The DEWALT DW713 is designed to cut a variety of materials, including molding, sheet materials, lumber, veneer and non-ferrous metal. The saw offers superior vertical capacity, with the ability to cut up to 3-1/2 inch base molding and 4-1/2 inch crown molding against the fence. Horizontally, the DW713 also can cut up to a 2 by 6 piece of material at zero degrees and 2 by 4 materials at 45 degrees. Get a great value on this top notch miter saw by purchasing a like new, factory-reconditioned version.

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